Life Long Learning Enhancement Incorporated - LLLEI


The chambered Nautilus serves as a conceptual model for growth of the ability to learn and the associated body of knowledge learned. The ability to learn follows a spiral development cycle that begins at the source - life - the desire to learn and experience in all the dimensions of human perception and expression - from the source: I learn therefore I am, and the more I learn, the more I am -
Bill English

LLLEI seeks to improve learning outcomes at each stage of a learner’s life, with added focus on disadvantaged learner populations.

It is the LLLEI vision that any individual or population can improve in learning performance as measured by standardized test scores or expressed in skill applications contexts.

The LLLEI approach is to apply the effective learning methods in existing bodies of knowledge and to adapt these methods where needed and appropriate. It is also the purpose of LLLEI to develop improved methods and technology for enhancing learning results in individuals and populations. The LLLEI approach is based on 30 years of experience with intelligent systems design and technology, traditional in-classroom experience, and the current body of knowledge on education and learner performance. The approach is to seek optimal performance in each component of the decomposed learning process: the ability of learners to perceive, acquire, store, process, communicate, and apply knowledge and skills.